Free delivery to Point Relais from 80€ of purchase anywhere in France

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We strive to indicate as many details as possible (photos, composition, condition, dimensions) on each product sheet in order to avoid that the product does not suit you. If, despite this, you wish to make a return, this is possible within 14 days from the delivery date.

In order to maintain a fair price, we cannot offer this service for all countries served. Return costs are free for mainland France, Belgium and Luxembourg (limited to one return per order) and payable by the customer for the rest of European countries.

Once your return is received, it will be checked and validated within 5 to 10 working days depending on the period. After validation, we will reimburse the bank account used to pay for your order . The funds will appear in your bank account within 3-5 days.

Steps to make a return

  • Contact us via the contact form by selecting the subject “Make a return request”. Specify in your message the order number and the product(s) concerned so that we can send you a shipping slip by email, to print. Specify if you would like to receive another product in exchange
  • Go to “My Account” then to the “My Orders” menu
  • Select the order you wish to make a return on
  • Click on “Request a return”
  • Enter the reason why you wish to make a return then validate
  • Print and stick the shipping slip received by email on the return package then send the package, keeping proof of deposit.

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